Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Mambray Creek

From Coffin Bay to Pt Lincoln for an overnighter. We were going to stop for a day or so, but decided to continue up the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula and stop wen we felt the need. We dropped by a few towns on the way up, but nothing really offered us anything that we hadn't already seen so we continued on.

We arrived in Pt Augusta and "closed the loop" that we'd started drawing back in May. I'm sure Pt Augusta appeals to those who have lived there for a generation or two... or possibly three, but on our list it's a great place to check out the next camp spot, which we did.

Mambray Creek is about 40k from Pt Augusta in the Mt Remarkable National Park. It's one of the new age NP sites. It must now be booked online (site unseen) and costs $18 park entrance + $10 for the camp site. SA NP sites are expensive but most are pretty well set up. Having to book online is an inconvenience but a sign of the times I think. The parkssa web site is cumbersome and presupposes that you have web access. So one online booking, 3 phone calls and a visit to the Pt Augusta information centre later we finally had our site booked.... for the wrong night! So we arrived a day early and stayed for 2 nights anyway.

Half way through our 11km walk in the national park. This walk way tagged "hard" and it took us just over 5hrs + 5lt of water.
These guys came around at 5pm. They came as a pair. Whilst one entertained the other "cased the joint". He actually came right up to the table.

They left and the goanna's arrived.

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