Thursday, 20 November 2014


A wheat port which is pretty busy at the moment given it's harvest season They run the 53m road trains in to town all day every day. The drivers are pretty good and allow us "wobbly's" a little bit of latitude, as we do with them. I actually passed one today..... it was parked!

We had been given the tip to go out to Le Grand NP or to Cape Arid, so we stocked up and went to Le Grand. We arrived at the beach camp ground an hour later, proceeded to the beach and we're able to look back across the bay to Esperence. We'd come around to the south side of the bay. We're glad we did. Esperence I'm sure is a very nice place, but it's expensive and less than impressive, but it serves it's purpose. The NP's though are great.

The night we arrived, we survived another thunderstorm They predicted strong winds and of course "hail". No matter where we go we seem to encounter hail. The front of the van was hail damaged in Perth, we had another dusting of hail in Denmark, and now it's forecast again, so we pulled the car in under the awning and tied the awning to it. We were braced for everything or so we thought. At 2:30am the wind started to strengthen so there I was moving the car and pulling down the awning. Neither the strong winds nor the hail eventuated but the next day was blustery and occasionally wet.

There is a walk that runs from the campground to "Hellfire Gorge". They said three hours one way, and it was every part of that. We walked over wet sandstone, slipped and slid around for pretty much the whole of the walk and finally decided to avoid any further risk and head for home.

At the start of our walk to Hellfire Gorge. We're looking back towards Esperence, and our campground is just to the right of Rose's head nested amongst the scrub and protected by sand dunes.

Rose is starting to carry more weight in her backpack in training for our Tassie hike.
 Further along the same walk.

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