Monday, 1 September 2014

Victoria River

We're on our way West. We stopped in Katherine for a day to top up on a few things. Our first gas bottle had finally run out. Holiday traffic has thinned a little so we're confident of finding a place at most camps or parks.

The Victoria Highway is a great road. We once again have the wind behind us and we're drafting a motorhome in front... what a ride!

We stayed at the Victoria River Homestead. The Homestead at first glance is a really dusty place to be, but get down by the river and there's shade and it's a really nice place. The Homestead is part of a working station and there's lots to see and do. We took a walk out to one of the escarpments. The scenery from on top was stunning. Throw in a rock Wallaby or two and Boab trees which are starting to appear

We met a great old couple, Ron and Helen. Ron used to drive trucks in the area, is about 70, no teeth, crook hips, a defined limp, and a keen sense of humour. We got to talking one evening about how Rose doesn't do dirt. "Neither did Helen", he said. "Then when we were driving North out of Alice Springs a couple of months ago, I said to helen, there's a rest area up ahead, let's stop there for a cuppa. We turned left and kept driving for a while looking for some shade. Turns out it was the start of the Tanami Track so we just kept going... 1000k's later we hit the bitumen again. I wasn't popular for the first 10k or so but she was right after that".

The wind was very gusty the morning we left the Homestead. It was blowing in our direction so we decided to try it for at least 5k's or so, and if it's too strong return and stay another night. As it turned out we got blown all the way to Lake Argyle. The fuel consumption was down in the 13's. We had a great run.

I said to Ron on the way out of the park, "you're going to be burning some fuel today". Mate he said" I'm not budging in inch". It was about 8:30am and he was feeling pretty happy about staying.

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