Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Goodbye Durham....

"I'm coming home I've done my time....." sounds like the lyrics to a well known song!

My time in the North of England has almost come to and end. The cavalry have arrived to take my place.
So it's back to Brisbane, three days of tiling at Davids place, then to Melbourne to finally pick up the Caravan.

I can feel it in my bones.... our holiday is about to start...

Saturday, 19 April 2014

The New Plan...

"Hey Bryan, we need some help, can you shoot over to the UK for a couple of weeks. We need someone on the ground to expedite a delivery we're having some problems with... just wondered is all....."

"Rose, they want me to do a short contract in the UK, can we alter our plans a bit?" 
"Sure, I was talking to Val and she would like us to look after her dog in early June too, are you OK with that?"...."Well sure!"...

"Hey Bec, I'll give you a couple of weeks. Things are lining up pretty well. The Caravan's not going to be ready until the end of April, what's the weather like?"..... I look cold..!!!!!
So here I am, in Durham, UK... it's cold. 
The lady in the restaurant this morning proudly stated "oi, ey skrayped ar wee ice offa me wundscreen dis mornin". It was -2!

.... 2 weeks to go!

The plan...

Rose and I and the boys are pretty much your typical family, well from our point of view probably. We're in our mid 50's, still pretty fit. We've got each other, our health, two great boys approaching their 30's who are well settled with wonderful partners. The grand kids are still a couple of years away.... we think! We enjoy getting out and about and we've been blessed with many good friends who are in a similar stage of life.

I came home from work back in February and I said to Rose, would it be about the right time to take a year or two off and travel..... "OK", she said...... and the rest is history....

Then came the questions.... how can we do this, what do we want to do, where do we want to do it, and when.

The Motivation

We decided that there was no perfect time to do why not now!
We have several friends and family members who have some pretty serious health issues. They are our age. I suppose we're getting in before someone or something tells us we can't.
I've worked 10-12 hour days for most of my working life. It's now time to build up a few more family credits.. if you know what I mean!

The family

Let's talk to the boys.... "Hey we're thinking of taking a short break and doing some traveling, are you guys OK with that"..."Of course Dad, see you in a couple of years".... so much for push back....!

Our Friends 

"Whaaaat... but you guys are too young"
"Who will make our banana cakes"
"We'll meet you at......."

My Job

As it happened the project I'd been on for the past few years is winding up. My contract would have seen me finish in Feb 2015, but things were starting to slow a little, so I told them my plans and we agreed I'd finish in April.

The House

Rose was talking to a card friend who was looking for a house. She said to me "would you mind if I asked Michele if she was interested", "no problem". The contract was signed the following week and a long settlement.

A colleague was moving house and needed furniture, so we sold the house full to him.

The Noosa house

The tenants are great. A lovely couple getting married in May this year.

The Caravan

We were in Victoria in February and my Brother in law had just purchased a new caravan. We looked at it. Not a bad unit. He'd spent two years researching it so we took advantage of his work, and bought one of our own.

The Car

A good mate showed me his VW Touareg. Yep nice one Steve. We liked it so we bought one.

The Plan

We'll finish work in April, move out of the house, drive to Melbourne, pick up the caravan. Spend a short couple of weeks bouncing around Victoria sorting out any "bugs", get them fixed, then off through South Australia, up the centre to Darwin (to be there in July), down through the west to the south west to be there by mid October, then back across to Victoria to be back there by Christmas, then to Tasmania for a couple of months (booked a walk at Cradle mountain mid February), then NZ, back up the East coast to the extreme North East by July August, back in Brisbane around Sept/October.

Well that was the plan..... !